Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Tala tala tala~~~
Finally they are back from Taiwan..
Meet huiyun n pris today.. QC went MIA, sleep untill no one can contact her..
Told them to help me get back my fav hi-chew(coz tw sell damn cheap can..) and also pudding~! Their pudding totally different from s'pore pudding.. yummy yummy~ ^.^
ION orchard, thought LV open already, but end up is private party. =,=
Faster opennn.. Cant wait to shop at Prada n Armani...
After having our dinner at Taka, head down to OrchardCenter..
Still quite empty out there..
Saw Gelare and just nice its tuesday~^.^
While eating, theres some peeps up there for the rock climbing thingy. Woot, cool~~
But dunno wad the hell they are doing..
Photo taking, take n take n take.. Talk n talk n talk...
After we finish the whole waffle, they still havent start climbing. ~.~
And this is so WTH... My a.chord謝和弦 EPs and CD and Poster is still in Taiwan!!! They forgotten to help me get back from my tw friend. =,=
I'm speechless.. Well, gonna wait for the nxt time when anyone of us go tw again.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Hard Work
Spended my whole day from day to midnight...
Chiong-ing our project work..
End up...........................
Colour change into commen untill super commen de Black.
Font change into simple untill super simple de Arial.
The pretty pretty hard work goneeeeeee.....
Spended my whole day from day to midnight...
Chiong-ing our project work..
End up...........................
Colour change into commen untill super commen de Black.
Font change into simple untill super simple de Arial.
The pretty pretty hard work goneeeeeee.....
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
LOL.. Dont know nxt month my phone bill how much.?
Phone calls from taiwan.. Keep on chatting n chatting..
Eh.. Incoming call, pray that i wont have to pay please~!
Ahh~! He's so sweet...
Well~ More n more pple went over..
Where am i?! Still in Singapore.!
Keep asking me July go.. But then July no holiday....!
And mama ofcoz wont allow. >.<
Sidetrack, listening to Lollipop new song this few days.
Ahh~! Sorry 背叛了大業....
But some of the song quite nice lehx.. LoLz.
(dun ask me to send u songs, i'm not free downloader)
好想聼你說說愛我 好想聼你說說想我~
好想對你說說愛你 好想對你說說想你~
Ohhh~~! Really 好想對你說說我想你!!!想你!想你!想你!
But 我說不出口okay~ LOLz..
Phone calls from taiwan.. Keep on chatting n chatting..
Eh.. Incoming call, pray that i wont have to pay please~!
Ahh~! He's so sweet...
Well~ More n more pple went over..
Where am i?! Still in Singapore.!
Keep asking me July go.. But then July no holiday....!
And mama ofcoz wont allow. >.<
Sidetrack, listening to Lollipop new song this few days.
Ahh~! Sorry 背叛了大業....
But some of the song quite nice lehx.. LoLz.
(dun ask me to send u songs, i'm not free downloader)
好想聼你說說愛我 好想聼你說說想我~
好想對你說說愛你 好想對你說說想你~
Ohhh~~! Really 好想對你說說我想你!!!想你!想你!想你!
But 我說不出口okay~ LOLz..
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happie Birthday~* ^.^
Firstly, happie bday to zhenchuan.. Kekes.
Paiseh, i'm not the 1st one anymore..
Nvm, u got ur 'baby'.. Bwahahhahas...
Alright, went Marina as usual...
Celebrate Chings bday..
Somehow i dunno wad happened when me n vivian went to buy cake, they changed the venue.. Become Suntec MOF..
=,= MOF again.. The raman suck!
Back to our 老地方take pictures..
Hahas.. Same place same post.. Not sian ar?
But nvm, around twice a yr nia.. Kekes..
Never get anything back from Japan (>.<)
And she sat beside me somemore...
Oh please.. No H1N1 please....
QC call back from taiwan again...
Gosh~!! I WANT GO!
Those Calvin fans are SICK~!
WTH.. If i were there.....................................................
No such thing will happened, coz i will cue.. LOLz. ^.^
Paiseh, i'm not the 1st one anymore..
Nvm, u got ur 'baby'.. Bwahahhahas...
Alright, went Marina as usual...
Celebrate Chings bday..
Somehow i dunno wad happened when me n vivian went to buy cake, they changed the venue.. Become Suntec MOF..
=,= MOF again.. The raman suck!
Back to our 老地方take pictures..
Hahas.. Same place same post.. Not sian ar?
But nvm, around twice a yr nia.. Kekes..
Never get anything back from Japan (>.<)
And she sat beside me somemore...
Oh please.. No H1N1 please....
QC call back from taiwan again...
Gosh~!! I WANT GO!
Those Calvin fans are SICK~!
WTH.. If i were there.....................................................
No such thing will happened, coz i will cue.. LOLz. ^.^
Thursday, June 18, 2009
我是傳奇 - Lollipop
Hey Come on go
咚滋大的節奏 Hey Hey Yo
十萬伏特叫我滑步的Michael 火力全開迷倒所有觀眾
看著我的視線不要閃躲 Hey呼喚你的靈魂跟著節奏跳動
甩甩披肩 穿上皮靴 宣示我們的誓言
動動關節 換上裝備 舞出我們的世界
跳躍極限 凍結時間 傳說就在此出現
Yeah Yeah
霹靂趴的掌聲 Hey Hey Yo 已經無法滿足舞臺上的solo
Lollipop不是溫室裡的花朵 喝
大風車加速誰能比我猛 嘴角一笑親和力不做作
夢幻氣息讓你永遠死忠 放手一搏秀出我的style
Hey 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 5 6 7 8
撐上披肩 穿上皮靴 詮釋我們的誓言
抖動關節 換上裝備 舞出我們的世界
挑戰極限 努力實踐 傳說就再次出現
Yayayaya yayaya
Hey!超越自我 Hey!決不退縮
Hey!直到永久 Hey!就是傳說
撐上披肩 穿上皮靴 詮釋我們的誓言
抖動關節 換上裝備 舞出我們的世界
挑戰極限 努力實踐 傳說就再次出現
Yayayaya yayaya
撐上披肩 穿上皮靴 詮釋我們的誓言
抖動關節 換上裝備 舞出我們的世界
挑戰極限 努力實踐 傳說就再次出現
Yayayaya yayaya
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Mummy daddy came back from Genting on sunday..
Yeahey~ Lots of foods.... Eat untill siaoz...
Went out for our project on monday... And damn idiot! I spended $$$ on food again! (>.<)
Tuesday went chinatown change $$$..
Friends going taiwan tml liaoz.. (>.<)(>.<)(>.<)
400NT return my TW friend for a.chord CDs.. 300NT topup my TW prepaid card.. And lastly 100NT to buy my hi-chew...
LOL!!! Hmm.. I want 7-11 puddings, KFC eggtart, his hse there de 魯肉飯, 淡水Ice Cream, 士林ice and the 甜不辣downstair our hotel~!! Gosh~ I miss them!!!
Wed, do project again today...
FUCK! I spended my last 10bucks! And that $10 suppose to be topup my ezlink card de.. =,= Now back to totally bankrup again...
Daddy nv give me $$$ this week!! (>.<)
Wad can i do with that 40bucks every week? Each week, there will be 2 days eat my dinner which cost more the 10bucks. Normal lunch n dinner cost around 5bucks... The rest of money let my buy some drinks and thats it.. GONE! 40bucks gone~~!
Every month gonna pay phone bill myself.. Ezlink card dunno why always went out of $$$.. Fuck off! Everything money money money money money money money money~!!!!
Went down bugis after doing our project.
Coz qc wanna go pray for her trip to tw tml...
And huiyun just came back from thailand this afternoon.
Meet her to get some thingy she bought from thai...
LOL~~!! She saw Rainie Yang there.. Rainie said"你怎麽會在這邊"? Where she havent even notice it was her.. LoLz. Like tat also can, go back thailand also can 巧遇到..
Hahas.. 陰魂不散.. Feb saw her in S'pore.. March saw her in Taiwan.. And then now June saw her at Thai.. =,= Well~ Too bad~ We are not really Rainie fans...
And and and... Saw this went we are at bugis street..
Super damn funny.. 90% look like Mr.achord謝和弦
Yeahey~ Lots of foods.... Eat untill siaoz...
Went out for our project on monday... And damn idiot! I spended $$$ on food again! (>.<)
Tuesday went chinatown change $$$..
Friends going taiwan tml liaoz.. (>.<)(>.<)(>.<)
400NT return my TW friend for a.chord CDs.. 300NT topup my TW prepaid card.. And lastly 100NT to buy my hi-chew...
LOL!!! Hmm.. I want 7-11 puddings, KFC eggtart, his hse there de 魯肉飯, 淡水Ice Cream, 士林ice and the 甜不辣downstair our hotel~!! Gosh~ I miss them!!!
Wed, do project again today...
FUCK! I spended my last 10bucks! And that $10 suppose to be topup my ezlink card de.. =,= Now back to totally bankrup again...
Daddy nv give me $$$ this week!! (>.<)
Wad can i do with that 40bucks every week? Each week, there will be 2 days eat my dinner which cost more the 10bucks. Normal lunch n dinner cost around 5bucks... The rest of money let my buy some drinks and thats it.. GONE! 40bucks gone~~!
Every month gonna pay phone bill myself.. Ezlink card dunno why always went out of $$$.. Fuck off! Everything money money money money money money money money~!!!!
Went down bugis after doing our project.
Coz qc wanna go pray for her trip to tw tml...
And huiyun just came back from thailand this afternoon.
Meet her to get some thingy she bought from thai...
LOL~~!! She saw Rainie Yang there.. Rainie said"你怎麽會在這邊"? Where she havent even notice it was her.. LoLz. Like tat also can, go back thailand also can 巧遇到..
Hahas.. 陰魂不散.. Feb saw her in S'pore.. March saw her in Taiwan.. And then now June saw her at Thai.. =,= Well~ Too bad~ We are not really Rainie fans...
And and and... Saw this went we are at bugis street..
Super damn funny.. 90% look like Mr.achord謝和弦
Monday, June 15, 2009
Sunday morning
Other then that fucking bitch who woke me up ytd morning which i complained ytd, here comes the another one..
Some residents in Petir Road thought they had been woken up by the sounds of an accident early this morning (June 14), but were annoyed to find out they were only honkings from wedding cars.
STOMPer Haogougou, one of the residents of Block 219 and Block 220 of Petir Road, said:
"The tranquility of a Sunday morning was taken away when a line of four wedding cars arrived as loud as they could be at the carpark between Blk 219 and 220 at Petir Road.
"At around 7.40am, the four vehicles, including a red sports car, an SUV and two others announced their arrivals by honking their car horns all the way from Cashew Road to the carpark.
"Residents, who were stirred up from their sleep, had thought that a terrible accident had occured as the noises could be heard even from the highest 12th storey.
"Upon checking, residents of both blocks were shocked and exasperated to realise that the bridegroom and groomsmen were merely sounding their horns for the fun of it.
"In particular, the red sports car had its engine turned on now and then to create a noise that sounded like a gas explosion.
"'People sleeping lah!' and 'You had to wake us up for this???' were some of the few reactions from residents which were turned a deaf ear to as the drivers continued a few more rounds before they left their cars in the middle on the carpark.
"The bridegroom struck a few poses with the cars and his groomsmen before taking his leave to fetch his bride, who is believed to be living in Block 219.
"And when residents thought they could go back to sleep, another round of honking began about fifteen minutes later.
"This time from a lone car which needed to leave the carpark but was blocked by the string of cars left there by the wedding crowd.
"Annoyed residents continued to make nasty remarks while the drivers came down to park their cars properly into parking lots.
"'I almost wanted to throw something out of the window, but seeing that it's a wedding, I controlled myself not to do that,' a resident at Blk 219 said.
"He continued, 'But at least something good came out of it -- I overslept, good thing they came to wake me up.'"
Luckily i was really damn too tired, i only heard once... But HELLO!! Blk219 Blk220 Petir Road. But i stay far away from there still can heard it.. WTF...
Some residents in Petir Road thought they had been woken up by the sounds of an accident early this morning (June 14), but were annoyed to find out they were only honkings from wedding cars.
STOMPer Haogougou, one of the residents of Block 219 and Block 220 of Petir Road, said:
"The tranquility of a Sunday morning was taken away when a line of four wedding cars arrived as loud as they could be at the carpark between Blk 219 and 220 at Petir Road.
"At around 7.40am, the four vehicles, including a red sports car, an SUV and two others announced their arrivals by honking their car horns all the way from Cashew Road to the carpark.
"Residents, who were stirred up from their sleep, had thought that a terrible accident had occured as the noises could be heard even from the highest 12th storey.
"Upon checking, residents of both blocks were shocked and exasperated to realise that the bridegroom and groomsmen were merely sounding their horns for the fun of it.
"In particular, the red sports car had its engine turned on now and then to create a noise that sounded like a gas explosion.
"'People sleeping lah!' and 'You had to wake us up for this???' were some of the few reactions from residents which were turned a deaf ear to as the drivers continued a few more rounds before they left their cars in the middle on the carpark.
"The bridegroom struck a few poses with the cars and his groomsmen before taking his leave to fetch his bride, who is believed to be living in Block 219.
"And when residents thought they could go back to sleep, another round of honking began about fifteen minutes later.
"This time from a lone car which needed to leave the carpark but was blocked by the string of cars left there by the wedding crowd.
"Annoyed residents continued to make nasty remarks while the drivers came down to park their cars properly into parking lots.
"'I almost wanted to throw something out of the window, but seeing that it's a wedding, I controlled myself not to do that,' a resident at Blk 219 said.
"He continued, 'But at least something good came out of it -- I overslept, good thing they came to wake me up.'"
Luckily i was really damn too tired, i only heard once... But HELLO!! Blk219 Blk220 Petir Road. But i stay far away from there still can heard it.. WTF...
Sunday, June 14, 2009
the superwomen is back...
Hohohoo... Superwomen is back...
Why call myself superwomen? Coz have been working 4days FULL shift.. Where the others only either morning or afternoon shift..
10th June, start on 8am. Do set up carry this carry that damn tiring.. The rest went back at 6pm, me n wanqi continue to work.. Estimate will finish our job at 12AM de, but then those pple from our sch de all went back at 9pm.. LOL, so i also went back lor...
11th June, Store opening at 10am, but yet we 10.05am then reach..
My job is doing cashiering.. Hehes.. Watsons cashering is like damn easy lahx..
After my lunch, cashier was full, so i become packer.. After dinner, cashier n packer was full.. So i came out giving plastic bags/shopping bags to the customers..
12th June, whole day doing cashiering.. Woohooo fun fun..
Xuanting, lili and jenna came after sch.. Nono, can say is skip school.. LOL..
Alright, continue cashiering till quite late coz have to wait for those kuku slowpoke customers to finish shopping..
13th June, LAST DAY!! Yay yay yayyyy..
IDIOT ASSHOLE who wanna fight over the cashier counter with me..
I was already standing at the cashier counter, but yet she was LATE! She came in and die die wanna stand at that counter. FUCK SHIT! Counter got write your name ISIT!! KNS~!
So now is wad? 12counters but got 13cashiers..
Thanks to Wongmin(the wastons pple) help me go complain to the head(Joe)..
Then Joe came and ask which counter am i suppose to be at, so i told him no._ then he go ask that CB kia which counter was she from the previous day, and she say no._ which is the same as MINE! WAD THE HELL!!! "open eyes say blind words 睜眼説瞎話"
Nvm, he then ask who is the extra one.. Kicked out the backup girl and i replace her.
Stupid blackie asshole! Better dun eat chocolate ar, if not bite ur own hand..!
Felicia keep calling meeee... And my butt keeps on vibrating..~!
Told her i saw at the cashier, no time answering her calls, and suddently she n qc appear infront of me.. LoLz..
After my dinner, was there distrubuting shopping bags, and i saw brenda with her family. Hahas.. Her sis totally look like her.. After awhile, i'm doing queue controlling qc n feli was back again, chat chat chat and huili jingwen they all also pops out.. LOLz, one day saw so many peeps.. Somemore is all 巧遇one..
Thanks to that super nice security guard, he ask me go for a 10mins break, i look at him, 10mins ar??? Hahas.. He then say okok lahz, 15mins..
Hehes.. So we went out sit down there chatting chatting n chatting.. But i went in after 20mins. LOLz..
Saw Joshua there, opps.. Hahas. Told him is sch ask me to work there de lahz.. If not later he KB me.. Hahas. Everytime dun want answer his call, oh well, i really dun feel like working with kelly services mah... Hehes.
Its already 10pm plus.. The queue not many pple liaoz, so i dun have to control the queue anymore, go shopping.. Faster grab wadever i want and go pay. Hahas..
Say Byebye to watsons, nxt fair will be on last 3days of aug, see by that time free or not, can go help out again.. Kekes..
AND AND AND!!! Havent finish....
This morning, i finally can sleep untill auto wake up..
But yet that FUCKING CB weird and slow kia CALL ME HOUSE PHONE!!!!!!!!
What the FUCK!!!
Tell me what SES got homework leh, have to do.
KAO BEI LAH! I nv go sch means i dunno anything, and so means i DONT have to do!!!
And she keeps on down there saying wad cannot dont do, teacher will go through after sch reopen... What the hell~~! I SAID I DONT WANT TO DO MEANS DONT WANT TO...!!!
Damn fuck up!!
AND, say exam will start on 20th July.. WALAO EH!! Tell me the date now?! JUNE not JULY!!! JUNE 14th!!!!! 20th JULY exam i 19th JULY then will study one..
Super de KNN one lahz..
Pple SLEEPING leh!!! WANT DIE IS IT?!! CB~!!
Why call myself superwomen? Coz have been working 4days FULL shift.. Where the others only either morning or afternoon shift..
10th June, start on 8am. Do set up carry this carry that damn tiring.. The rest went back at 6pm, me n wanqi continue to work.. Estimate will finish our job at 12AM de, but then those pple from our sch de all went back at 9pm.. LOL, so i also went back lor...
11th June, Store opening at 10am, but yet we 10.05am then reach..
My job is doing cashiering.. Hehes.. Watsons cashering is like damn easy lahx..
After my lunch, cashier was full, so i become packer.. After dinner, cashier n packer was full.. So i came out giving plastic bags/shopping bags to the customers..
12th June, whole day doing cashiering.. Woohooo fun fun..
Xuanting, lili and jenna came after sch.. Nono, can say is skip school.. LOL..
Alright, continue cashiering till quite late coz have to wait for those kuku slowpoke customers to finish shopping..
13th June, LAST DAY!! Yay yay yayyyy..
IDIOT ASSHOLE who wanna fight over the cashier counter with me..
I was already standing at the cashier counter, but yet she was LATE! She came in and die die wanna stand at that counter. FUCK SHIT! Counter got write your name ISIT!! KNS~!
So now is wad? 12counters but got 13cashiers..
Thanks to Wongmin(the wastons pple) help me go complain to the head(Joe)..
Then Joe came and ask which counter am i suppose to be at, so i told him no._ then he go ask that CB kia which counter was she from the previous day, and she say no._ which is the same as MINE! WAD THE HELL!!! "open eyes say blind words 睜眼説瞎話"
Nvm, he then ask who is the extra one.. Kicked out the backup girl and i replace her.
Stupid blackie asshole! Better dun eat chocolate ar, if not bite ur own hand..!
Felicia keep calling meeee... And my butt keeps on vibrating..~!
Told her i saw at the cashier, no time answering her calls, and suddently she n qc appear infront of me.. LoLz..
After my dinner, was there distrubuting shopping bags, and i saw brenda with her family. Hahas.. Her sis totally look like her.. After awhile, i'm doing queue controlling qc n feli was back again, chat chat chat and huili jingwen they all also pops out.. LOLz, one day saw so many peeps.. Somemore is all 巧遇one..
Thanks to that super nice security guard, he ask me go for a 10mins break, i look at him, 10mins ar??? Hahas.. He then say okok lahz, 15mins..
Hehes.. So we went out sit down there chatting chatting n chatting.. But i went in after 20mins. LOLz..
Saw Joshua there, opps.. Hahas. Told him is sch ask me to work there de lahz.. If not later he KB me.. Hahas. Everytime dun want answer his call, oh well, i really dun feel like working with kelly services mah... Hehes.
Its already 10pm plus.. The queue not many pple liaoz, so i dun have to control the queue anymore, go shopping.. Faster grab wadever i want and go pay. Hahas..
Say Byebye to watsons, nxt fair will be on last 3days of aug, see by that time free or not, can go help out again.. Kekes..
AND AND AND!!! Havent finish....
This morning, i finally can sleep untill auto wake up..
But yet that FUCKING CB weird and slow kia CALL ME HOUSE PHONE!!!!!!!!
What the FUCK!!!
Tell me what SES got homework leh, have to do.
KAO BEI LAH! I nv go sch means i dunno anything, and so means i DONT have to do!!!
And she keeps on down there saying wad cannot dont do, teacher will go through after sch reopen... What the hell~~! I SAID I DONT WANT TO DO MEANS DONT WANT TO...!!!
Damn fuck up!!
AND, say exam will start on 20th July.. WALAO EH!! Tell me the date now?! JUNE not JULY!!! JUNE 14th!!!!! 20th JULY exam i 19th JULY then will study one..
Super de KNN one lahz..
Pple SLEEPING leh!!! WANT DIE IS IT?!! CB~!!
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
o3o6o9 (wednesday)
As usual, went orchard after sch meet qc, huiyun n brenda..
Then head down to bugis buy something n makan..
MOF.. =,= Ajisen raman better than MOF..
o5o6o9 (friday)
Woohoo... Thanks weipeng for the PURPLE mac cup..
Mdm Siti not here again, so Mr Daniel took over her lesson.
Got to write a fairy tales story created by ownself.
And so.... All those rubbish pops out.. Forgotten me or atikah start singing "mary had a little lamb" Hahas! And so we really anyhow wrote a story abt that song where as other grps all very serious writing..
o8o6o9 (monday)
Went SMU in the 10am to attend an breifing..
After that shirley, tricia n me went PS had our lunch..(already 1plus)
And then her from friends in sch said that Mr. Nicholas went for meeting, dun have his lesson. LoLz.. So we guys not going back to sch le.. Coz later 3plus still have to go Isetan take pay.
Slack around at PS n dhoby ghaut stn there untill 3plus.
After getting our pay me went to meet pris and qc..
Mos for our dinner.. But somehow i ytd damn high, keep buying foods..
Total spended $20plus on food just for ytd. =,=
o9o6o9 (tuesday)
RTO test todayyyyyyyy...
Start opening my book only when i'm on the bus to sch.. Tried to memorise as many as i can..
And then sleep sleep sleep throughout the lessonss.. Coz dunno why teachers always dun like to come sch. =,=
Its a curse or wad? Every tuesday will went out of sch to eat..
Back to sch, and the test started...
Cannot say easy, but wont fail can liaoz. Bwahahahhas...
As usual, went orchard after sch meet qc, huiyun n brenda..
Then head down to bugis buy something n makan..
MOF.. =,= Ajisen raman better than MOF..
o5o6o9 (friday)
Woohoo... Thanks weipeng for the PURPLE mac cup..
Mdm Siti not here again, so Mr Daniel took over her lesson.
Got to write a fairy tales story created by ownself.
And so.... All those rubbish pops out.. Forgotten me or atikah start singing "mary had a little lamb" Hahas! And so we really anyhow wrote a story abt that song where as other grps all very serious writing..
o8o6o9 (monday)
Went SMU in the 10am to attend an breifing..
After that shirley, tricia n me went PS had our lunch..(already 1plus)
And then her from friends in sch said that Mr. Nicholas went for meeting, dun have his lesson. LoLz.. So we guys not going back to sch le.. Coz later 3plus still have to go Isetan take pay.
Slack around at PS n dhoby ghaut stn there untill 3plus.
After getting our pay me went to meet pris and qc..
Mos for our dinner.. But somehow i ytd damn high, keep buying foods..
Total spended $20plus on food just for ytd. =,=
o9o6o9 (tuesday)
RTO test todayyyyyyyy...
Start opening my book only when i'm on the bus to sch.. Tried to memorise as many as i can..
And then sleep sleep sleep throughout the lessonss.. Coz dunno why teachers always dun like to come sch. =,=
Its a curse or wad? Every tuesday will went out of sch to eat..
Back to sch, and the test started...
Cannot say easy, but wont fail can liaoz. Bwahahahhas...
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Stupid damn many things to settle.
Next monday gonna go back isetan take pay..
Dunno need to go training for the watsons thingy not??
Stupid kuku.. Why put me as back up lahz? I might as well dun want can..?
Then mon or tue gonna do the roleplay.. Which i havent memories the script.. (damn hard can)
Also tuesday got RTO test!!
Gosh.. Unit 1 to 8.. Study untill SIAO~!!
And and and.. PROJECT!!
Gonna start doing project only when holiday. So late.
Where after holiday gonna hand in.. AND after holiday EXAM START!!
Godddddd~~ Can i have 42hr in a day??
Stupid damn many things to settle.
Next monday gonna go back isetan take pay..
Dunno need to go training for the watsons thingy not??
Stupid kuku.. Why put me as back up lahz? I might as well dun want can..?
Then mon or tue gonna do the roleplay.. Which i havent memories the script.. (damn hard can)
Also tuesday got RTO test!!
Gosh.. Unit 1 to 8.. Study untill SIAO~!!
And and and.. PROJECT!!
Gonna start doing project only when holiday. So late.
Where after holiday gonna hand in.. AND after holiday EXAM START!!
Godddddd~~ Can i have 42hr in a day??
Monday, June 01, 2009
The lazy yanling is backkkkkkk....
Lazy to type everything out..
Thursday went Jolin Showcase at MaxPavilion at night with my sis.
Friday after sch went down to pasir ris.. At night BBQ..
Saturday went Kbox.. Then go makan jalan jalan...
Sunday morning checkout and went makan...
Suddently recieved sms from friend, then go meet them before i went home.
Monday which is today, back to sch again. Damn tired..
Project grp changed group..
Sorry, i really need PEACE...
Lazy to type everything out..
Thursday went Jolin Showcase at MaxPavilion at night with my sis.
Friday after sch went down to pasir ris.. At night BBQ..
Saturday went Kbox.. Then go makan jalan jalan...
Sunday morning checkout and went makan...
Suddently recieved sms from friend, then go meet them before i went home.
Monday which is today, back to sch again. Damn tired..
Project grp changed group..
Sorry, i really need PEACE...
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