Wee~~ Happie Birthday Edward...
Morning went work, LoL.. Dunno why i super high lahz.. Haven't drink already drank. Hahas! Mostly is bcoz all those senior staff on leave today!!!
Cool man~ Much much more freedom. I machiam like an ki siao down there..
After work RUSH down to bt.gombak for edward chalet..
LoL.. Use rush de, thought i'm late, but end up still early..
Then chat chat all this from 7plus to 10plus.
(room full with alcohol smell, balcony full with cigarette smell, downstair full with BBQ smell)
Was on phone chatting with qianci.. Discuss thingy untill 11plus then went cut cake..
1st Oct 2oo8 (Wednesday)
Cut finish cake, went upstair again using sinyu phone continue chat. LOL! My phone use untill outgoing call finished, sinyu phone is use untill no batt. Hahas.
Okay then eh.... around 2am we start playing the stupid MRT game suggested from patrick.. From mrt to lrt to branded names to friends name. LoL.. Play untill super ki siao.. After that then 1-99 then to dunno wad lahz..
The last game i nv play, coz dunno how to play.. Plus most of them nearly drank.. I nxt day still have to work lahz, must control myself. LoL..
Eh... then around 5plus start talking ghost story..
Okay, not scary for me. But got one part super funny lahz..
Just when ed said someone knocked the taxi driver door, sinyu suddently from outside knock on our door.. WTH! All chua dio...
And bla blaa blaaa.. 8plus going 9 check out.. Some went home some went for bf..
Yea~ Me went home bath all this then went work le... zZzZzZz..
Cool~ My one and only one night shift..
Lucky Alvin(finally know his name) never pull me to cashier there do packer.. But still, end of the day must help to take off those singtel special offer signage..
2nd Oct 2oo8 (Thursday)
Wad a super busy day for me..
How i wish i'm so busy the nxt 3days..
From morning start writing the same thing over n over again. How i wish i could ctrl C ctrl V.. "Ladies Shoes/HB/Acc"
From 11am write untill 7pm.. Super good lahz, like tat dun need go serve pple, stand there stand untill leg sour, this and that..
Some photos on edward's bday..
The 5a2 (2007)... ^.^
The ki siao gang...
With the bday boy~ Edward..
Ski, karhwa, me..
with xianzhen..
More photos not with me yet... Haiz...
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