15 Oct 2oo8 (Wednesday)
Meet geraldine at airport around 11.30am..
Wow, reach there amanda they all was already there.
But then the crowd, kaoz! Cant believe can... Few ants only..
Alright, for video go to:
Others photos n video from our OnlyFrh:
Soon after Zun came out, we went canteen makan..
Then went buy airticket to msia..
We guys reach Bugis at around 3plus.
Just wanna be a 路人, but then Vivian already chop some seats for us. LoL..
Then when vivian reached, passed us our concert tickets...
KAO! The seat is good, but then WEEQIANCI right infront of me!!
Chicken, i help u take ur lightboard lahz, u help me take mine..
Lightboard do untill so big for wad???????
And blaa blaa blaa blaa.. Skip all the rubbish.
We went in to the piority queue infront around 7pm?
Ok soon Zun came, talk n talk n talk n talk.
Finally to the "尋找祝言之" thingy.
My friend LuoWei kanna chosen become one of the contestant, before she went up stage, me got a move which is massaging her. Then Zun asked: “你爲什麽要幫她按摩? 是按摩比賽嗎?”
Booo~ *cold* Not funny okay, Goh Kiat Chun!!
Already guessed that they will choose winner by the loudest cheer.
So asked the friends around us to cheer for luowei...
And ofcoz definitely she's the winner. LOL!
Zun came over again with his mic this time round to vivian, “她贏了你這麽高興做什麽?"
*slap u lahz, always come kajiao us..*
After the event, we went up to watch the movie..
Saw diya n jiaying there too..
Hahas, some pple down there who are they who are they? Why take picture with them? LOL!
Then at 1st we dun have tics de, but end up they got extra so gave us lor..
Movie suppose to start at 9.15pm, but then untill 9.45pm havent play
Alright, suddently Zun came in to our room, he was like "哇~這間好大哦"
Ofcoz big lahz, can contain around 600pple lehx..
Talk talk and take photos awhile then went off le..
FINALLY! Okay, so movie started soon after he went off..
After the movie, we guessed that he will be at Newton for supper.
But we never go.. So me went home with bus 960.
Hahas... 960 will passby newton, but i nv drop off, coz its already the last bus, i wont be so stupid to just see him then take cab home.
Videos at:
Photos at my wretch album.
Coz of my laziness, didnt upload the rest of photos. Lazy to open the photoshop and edit copyright.
17 Oct 2008 (Friday)
Sleep at 1am plus and woke up at 3am plus..
Set off to serene hse, and thank her dad n mum for driving us to the airport tgt.
Reached airport at 5.30am sharp. But qianci n geraldine havent reach yet, so we went mac for our breakfast..
Soon after all reached, we check in and ready to set off to KL.
Reached KL and we slack around, waiting for the 3guys to come out.
LOL! 阿布really wanna go 喝喜酒..
大東very busy, bcoz he is 牛仔很忙! 不要麻煩了~不要麻煩了~~
Hahaas... While on our way out, me passed Calvin his bday present le.
Reached the checkpiont, KAO! the queue super longgggg~!
Was stuck down there, but then luckily they also waiting for their luggage to be out.
Chiong to our car once we are out.
And then reach hotel liaoz.
Aaron n Calvin already went up le, so we waited to be check in hotel.
Suddently dadong appear behind us, hahas! "byebye牛仔很忙" LOL! He still turn over n byebye. =,=
Went up out our barang barang and went over to the shopping mall beside the hotel. (Zun just reaced the hotel at that time)
Cool man~ Full of branded stuff at the shopping mall..
After makan, back to hotel wait for them.
At a corner of the hotel, can saw them upstair interviewing..
Finally they came down, ready to set off the 988radio station.
But the the traffic is jam untill super jam. U will never see this type of jam in singapore..
Very stupid de them, still wanna go 988, but then they will be late for the autograph session. We 覺得不對勁, so turn back and head toward to the event venue.
After awhile, they also U-trun back. LOL! 天算不如人算~
Reached the event venue, already full of fans.
To malaysian, the crowd is super lots of pple, but to us, is super less.
Not even half of the crowd in singapore.
We squeeze all the way from back to front..
LoL. We are simply cutting queue! LOL!
But they never shout at us nor scold.
Hahas.. If is in s'pore ar, one word for u, "死"
Hahas. Once on stage, me asked Calvin, 你們到底是明天還是後天飛啦?
He very confirm de said 明天.
OKay, then nxt aaron, me nothing to talk to him lahz, smile smile only.
Then dadong, he gave me a look that he still remember me like tat, but cannot be lahz, 1yr nv saw him liao lehx... His memory got so good meh?
Forget it, then lastly Zun. Hahas I wanna tell him forgotten to buy banana for him, but aiya, SIAO!
Hahas. We still got 2 more extra tickets, let geraldine n qc go up again. Ask the question we wanna ask.
Keep on 19 19 19... 19 is Sunday! 18 is Sat. Toady is 17. Today is Friday. Tml is 18, tml is sat!
Hahas.. Kanna mixed up with the date...
After the event, they then set off to 988 again.
No more traffic jam. Took out my whiteboard n asked him again, Calvin say tml (which is 18th) but then u say 19th???
LoL. Coz their van too dark we cant really see where is he sitting at, so qc show the board to Zun, but suddently saw someone behind very 激動的在比手畫腳.
HAHAS! Behind then is 阿布la~~
Wad the hell izzit?
He still continue very 激動的在比, LOL, the glass going to break le lah!
HAHAS! Finally we know wad he trying to said, "不是19是18,對不起"
18 Oct 2008 (Saturday)
Reached 988, they came down, hahas. His 一句對不起kanna videoed down by serene.
Hahas. Dunno why, just feel like laughing.
We went back car listen to the radio.. So lame so stupid lahz, their conversation.
Around 1am plus, me n serene went down of the car, sit inside sit untill butt super pain.
Walk around 5steps, 299van moved. Kaoz. (run back call qc n greal to get up..)
Fans standing up waiting for them to come out, be we 4 sitting down at the side wait for them to walk pass. Hahas. Dun have the strangth to stand..
Once on the car, we prayed that they go back straight to the hotel, dun go anywhere to makan supper..
Alright, finally they really went back to the hotel, and ofcoz, time for us to rest..
Me rest at 3am, and woke up at 5am. =,= 2hrs again.
Packed out barang barang and went down checkout.
Head towards airport to change out flight also checkin at the same time.
Finish doing so, went back hotel wait for them.
大牌果然是大牌, late for wad? Late also nothing good for u all..
End up is u guys must rush here rush there. Not us. LOL!
Reached the event venue, WAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHS!!!!!!
Saw someone!!!!!!!!
我看呀~ 大東一眼都沒看到你吧?
就算看到也不記得你是誰了。。 哈哈哈!!!
Walk pass her must laugh very loud.. HAHAHAHAS!
We never go up to get their signature, just show our board to make sure they saw us was there.
10mins later, went set off to airport liaoz.
Reached airport for around 5mins?
Kaoz~ Saw one big crowd running in..
Wa seh, how they sign so fast de?
And 大東開跑車耶!Sitting on his wheelchair, speeding super fast.
Me waited for Calvin to slowly walk in...
LoL. They still have to check in themself.
So we went down check in 1st.
The queue super slow lahz, i was like shit lahz, they coming down soon.
But end up calvin came down n queue behind me.
I thought they will have VIP row for them.
After went in, me asked Calvin try le mah?
He gave me a super funny/kawaii reaction, 還沒耶..
HAHAHAS! I suppost to be very angry de, but just becoz of the reaction, make me laugh non stop.
Then he asked, 你們要去哪裏?
Walk n walk n walk, to another gate, heard someone say let Zun go in 1st..
I trun back, wakao! His big head behind me only.
Ok lor, let him go 1st lor.. (coz calvin still at the back. LOL!)
Heard calvin said 還要搭這個哦? (areotrain)
If not leh? Can straight go up plane hor??
After we went in to Arontrain, Calvin busy looking at his phone, plus i also nothing to talk to him liao, so stand there listening to qc n 阿布conversation.
Hahas. Listen to their conversation 有爆點.
Once out of the train, they 2 said 趕時間要跑囖要跑囖.
Hahas. The 要跑囖要跑囖 i already get ready liaoz.
Hahas. They really run.. So i also run.
Running with my hand pulling my super loose jeans, and my heavy bags.
Wad i'm happie is, 我竟然超越吳吉尊!! Hahas.
He run super slow de lahz, blocking my way, so i over take him.
Then infront, qc chasing her ahbu, geraldine just follow her run lor, coz her dong isnt there.
Then i shouted 借過借過借過..
Hahas, okay infront no more pple blocking me liaoz, use my fastest speed chiong all the way to calvin there.
YAY!! Calvin reached 1st.. Winner!!
Ofcoz i tgt with him, then followed by ahbu then Zun..
Kaoz.. 喘死了, 跟老娘比跑步? Wait long long lahz..
And so, byebyeybyebye they went up plane le..
We rest at starbuck, and get some drink.
Alright, story shall stop here ya..
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