Invited our make-up artist all the way from Korea to Singapore. :)
Was considered as successful one as our sales really increase like siao for that 3days.
Busy, tiring but everything is worth it!
As you know, my korean sucks like hell.. Hahas! 1st time, without felicia, i can communicate with the koreans. LOL!!!
Trying to bomb whatever i know.. Luckily they can understand.. *piew~*
Let's start off in introduction???
Haha! Gina from Korea and my bigboss Calle from Singapore!
Ended our 1st day, although abit messy, no should say VERY messy, but everything went well.. :)
Day 2
This yiping came to our shop, and ofcoz pull her in to makeup luh~
Without thinking, i just told 인선씨 to draw Ga-in look for her!
Ohyeah~ Our Bai-Ga-Lian yiping!
It's the girls last night in Singapore..
Went outside st.james for supper!
It's my off day!
But i still went down bugis with Felicia..
Hahas! Ofcoz is to pull feli let sunhee makeup for her.
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