13-17 Dec 2008
Went Malaysia shop and play.. Cool man, stay at Serene hse for the 1st day. Such a huge hse which i never been in before.
Watch Twilight and Bolt.. Hehes.
Cant really remember wad happened there leh. LOL i got STM.
17th Dec 2008
Airport wait for their arrival...
Hehes. Cool worx, HIGH for that short moment.. Bcoz of wad he done. ^.^
Last min wanna chase de.. Hahas. Cannot control lah! BuayTahan..
Reached hotel and get to know that they wont come down anymore le, so wanna go home. But then she told us that Jade is on her way here.. LOL!
Ok lor, since she already told us, just wait for awhile more.
Hi Bye and we went home zZzZzzzzz...
18th Dec 2008
Thanks for her again. Morning went down hotel and wait for them to go out for rehearsal.
After rehearsal, back to hotel and down to HardRock Cafe.
Wa seh, this night rehearse untill damnnnnn LATE!!!
Lucky we are smart one.. Spend the bus fare but not the maxi fare. LOL!
19th Dec 2008
Woohooo~~ Fahrenheit Singapore Concert 2008!!!
Thanks to the members for going down early to queue.
Exchange for the poster and went down mediacorp to get the free concert tics. Hehes. At 1st dun wanna take de, since last min got friend wanna go in watch then go take lor...
Concert started! LOL. Was looking at the rundown, so that will know where to stand, wad to do.. Hahas. Once word to describe, HIGH!
After concert went down to Hawaii Restaurant for 慶功宴..
20th Dec 2008
Happie Birthday JieJie!!!
Wad the hell~~~ Tiger Airline!!!
FRH taking Tiger Airline????!!!!
Ok, bo bian lahz, so we also took tiger down to Macau...
LOL, that guy beside me super funny lahz, keep asking me who are they? Which one i like? Then he went restroom and took a photo of them sleeping. WTH~ =,=
Anyway, their sleeping pose, super de ______...
Reached Macau, LOL super damn funny!
Someone trying to act smart sitting down at the wrong place. Kanna chase by the security. HAHAHAHAHAS!!! 'A' laugh too loud le bah??
Walking out, WaKao! Huge Gang of FANS!!! Super scary scene.
Luckily i run far far away from them... If not u will see me in rotiplata now. Free sliming session.
Few hours later, took Eva Airline to Taiwan. (finally a normal airline)
Wa seh..... At 1st not cold de, but then stay inside the airport for around 6hr, the aircon damn cold lah! Stupid kuku...
Finally they reach Taiwan.. *something happened inbetween*
Cool~ i love myself!! I'm Hero!! *CRY*
He said 爲什麽那麽喘?你從新加坡跑過來哦? And i still 'ya' to him. WTH, dunno wad i'm talking at that time.
He n Dong keep repeating the same question. But i totally never care them. Already said, i dunno wad i'm doing at that point of time. Faster walk to a side..... Far far from them.
21st Dec 2008
台中and桃園autograph session.
HAHAS! He got problem ar? Dun need to washroom de.. =,=
Still thinking of wad to talk to him on stage, end up dun need think lahz, he will auto talk to u. LOL..
11degree! Kao~ Outside is damn cold.. Lastly went 士林夜市buy n eat buy n eat...
22nd Dec 2008
Magazine phototaking day!
Never wear my jacket is bcoz that jacket not suit my outfit lah! 我心機才沒那麽重OK!!! But yet he's still very 貼心~Kekes..
Went 我猜recording.. Hehes.. YuZhe~ Finally saw him.. Almost half a yr liao lehx!
Steamboat~! Cool worx.. White smoke come out from ur mouth.. Hahas!
Alright, Oh my gosh~! Eyes sure damn pain de.. Phototaking took untill 2AM plus leh... Kaoz..
23rd Dec 2008
2plus went back hotel n washup then set off to GTV liaoz.. Already grps of fans queueing there...
Around 7plus, wa seh, yuzhe suddently appear!! But thats weird, never saw him go in, but then saw him walk out???????
Forget it, after that 鄭元暢appear too.. LOL, still got starbuck buy coffee..
Anyway, 百分百recording damn funny lahz...
Firstly is tat stupid zun down there say serene lightboard why never on.. LOL. Have to make her paiseh izzit?
2nd, the 'mouth' hahahahas! U got a sexy mouth..
Lastly, went for dunno wad recording..
PILLOW!!! U carry your that pillow!!!
24th Dec 2008
Christmas Eve..
Wanna go find yuzhe de lah!
But bcoz of that KNN reason, cannot go... KNNBCCB!!!
Someone wanna kanna scolding izzit? One more word come out of your mouth, u will be kanna kick out of the car! Kaobei!!!
Scare cannot see your Dong izzit?! Cheebye kuku! U scare then drop down of the car lah! No one ask u to follow us!
25th Dec 2008
Very HIGH de Dong came down at 12.05AM..
Wa seh, really countdown le then come down...
Not my problem, not interested.
Early in the morning that stupid CB women down there spreading he's angry?!
一傳十十傳百 再加上添油加醋 什麽是真什麽是假 沒人可以相信 最好的就是什麽都不要管
他氣你們有話説 他笑你們也有話説是怎樣啦? 哪裏不爽?!
Wad i can say is, 他是好人!!!
He is CALVIN but not wad stupid KUKU!!!
Carrefour, saw carrefour and i said i wanna go in shop shop...
End up leh, he drop down from the cab and went in.. Wth~~~~~Speechless.
26th Dec 2008
Know where are they but yet we never go find them.. Kuku..
東區shopping day.. Weehehehe~ HelloKitty is kawaii de lor~~
27th Dec 2008
高雄and台南autograph session.
Weehoohoo~ Took 高鐵lehx..
Me n my Japan Sis really look alike hor? Even you also said so. Hahas!
Wad happened to u today? Keep on asking me question on FOOD!!!
這裡有很多小吃要去吃哦.. Ofcoz i ate already.. If not wait for you to treat meh?
Took 高鐵back to taipei~
Dong drop off halfway. Then reach taipei, 3 person walk different road.
Hahas Very funny de you, wanna find washroom end up go buy train tics.
This is miracle okay, have u ever seen any of the FRH member taking MRT home??
And ofcoz, thanks alot!!!! Help me sign le..
You funny ar~ My name very funny hor?????? Rubbish you..
28th Dec 2008
西門町~ Is damn lots of fans...
Play on my name again =,=
Ask me a question which u ALREADY asked before on 21st!!! U got STM too~
Went police report after that, coz friend wallet kanna stolen.
Cool worx~ Sat on a TW police car leh.. Kekes.
That officer damn funny lahz, told us that he like ahbu~~!! HAHAS!
Laugh damn loud de, the whole police stn pple look at us.. Kakas...!
29th Dec 2008
4am plus wait for them..
Oh no~~ Flying off to beijing le~~
After sending off, went makan bf then back to hotel zZzZzzz..
娛百yuzhe recording.. Shuai ge~~ My last chance to see u in this tw trip..
Down to 士林shopping.. buy lots of thingy liaoz... Finally got the time to shop ar~
Then down to find 美眉they all~ Hehes. She is kawaii de~!
Lastly, 欠罵的活動來了!!!
Fun man~ But yet ur fucking attitude suck man!
Dun tell us u dunno wad u had done. We got eyes n ears de OKAY!!!
Totally scolding session. Recorded down.. Too bad, not video~!
Slept at 4, 5plus. Kaoz~
30th Dec 2008
西門町shopping day...
Waseh~ Shop damn long de okay..
KFC, hehes.. Oishii~~~ SG dun have!!!
Went 24hr carrefour, 大買特買..
31st Dec 2008
Last day of 2008!!!!
Go find 美眉again.. Never go 台中countdown le.. Wanna stay at Taipei..
Is damn HIGH de can~~ 10degree become 13degree...
A-mei, Mayday!!!!! Wa kao~~~ High untill cannot describe..
1st Jan 2009
HAPPIE 2009!!!
We are damn so lucky damn heng to flag the cab... And thanks to the driver super nice..
Sleep untill the other day noon.. MSN talking to friends, wanna buy wad tell me.. Last day of shopping, faster take order..
At night, end up everyone go trim their hair.. But i didnt.. Come back sg then settle..
2nd Jan 2009
Step out of the hotel, walk a short distance, wa seh!
Bang! Bang! Bang! sound appear.. Saw a guy holding onto a gun n shot into the shop glass window.. Cool Man! Normally u will only see that scene in drama or movie.. Now is happened in real life of me... CooL~! 100分
Went 西門町玫瑰唱片took Frh album..
Wasai~ Almost buy finish all the album in that outlet..
Then down to airport wait for their arrival.. 3,4days never see you le~~~
Lots of yoyoyo pple crowded around him. Aneihaseyo Saranheiyo yoyoyo...
LoL.. Pass him things n ask him a question then walk off le.. Return him to those yoyoyo pple...
Radio stadion... LOL. Someone very interested on how much we spend on the car hor?
什麽叫做“樓下的 慢慢等哦”?! Wad the hell lah you~!
3rd Jan 2009
You today very weird...
西門町autograph session, stupid 工作人員 no one talking to you okay!
And you ask me question on food AGAIN!!! 我都快變成肥豬了!
你不會冷吼? 多穿一點.. But actually i'm not cold at all leh, so many pple down there.. Where will cold?
Up to stage again.. 你看 我變裝了 Hahahaas...
要回去了哦? Ya lor~~ Haiz...
4th Jan 2009
Their last day in TW, faster chiong back to hotel pack things n set off to airport le. Byebye friends..
Only ahbu went salon, then car turn out to fetch GKC, wa seh, the luggage is cool de.. Esp the Gold one.. Super rich GKC...
Then nxt go fetch him~ Hehes. Jump down from the car n pass him letter then go back le..
Hack care that Dong and we sent off to 台中..
Spiderman 飆車super fun!!
That Dong today high wad high lah?
No one playing with him but yet he still so high, hold onto ur hand dun wan let off.. WTF!
But the scene is funny de lahz...
新竹autograph session. Which is the last autograph session for us in this TW trip.
I know its the last day, dun have to keep calling my name..
Someone become smart le worx, know that i dun wan shake your hand, u auto wave and say HI only.. Hahas~! Almost forgotten friend de letter for him. Gave him and he start his TerimaKasih again.
姐姐很美超美的! WaKao! i love his sis lahz.. Super damn chio!
俊男美女就是這樣形容的啦~ hehehehehes~!
Saw his sis, saw his dad.. Want me wait for his mum then can see him izzit?
Think back, WTH stupid me!
He already gave me the CLUE!! Okay, set off le...
5th Jan 2009
Next destination to look for friend. Wait for him in the meanwhile.
That grp of pple, u are stupid or brainless or senseless? Cant u see the way he talk? Dont you know that that is so call scolding? BuaySong-ing? Kao, idiots..
Took photo with him. LOL.
Dun have him but got him also not bad lah.. LOL!
Super funny, “我有看到!她是穿平底的”
Ask me my height, paiseh lahz, bluff one more person my height again..
I really wont wanna tell pple my actual height. Too scary le..
Lastly, the last meal, the last night...
Went 東區makan.. Makan finish then went back hotel pack luggage.
Slept of an hour and got to set off le.. =,=
Byebye Taiwan~!
To Macau, wanna buy things also cannot, dun have their $$$.
Back to SG, KNN! 10degree and 32degree is BIG different can!!!
Okay, thanks to QC dadd.... Dun need spend $$ to go home. LOL!.
Ur dad really not her dad.. Hahas..
For photos, go to my wretch album
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