1st day of school! Hahas!
I still got the pri 1 badge on it.
Went down to Singapore Poly ytd. For the SP expirence.
Meet Sofie, Aaron, Kelvin, Sufyan, Junchang at bt.panjang interchange. Then we move to bt.panjang lrt n meet peter, jessie, shuna, jieting. And then lastly meet daphne, weexiang, weize at cck. Hahas~
Many others sch wearing sch uniform lor. But we fajar all wear home clothes. Hahas! Ofcoz also some other sch lahx.
Thought it would be a very interesting talk n expirence!
But then leh~ SIAN!!! Wasted my 5-6hrs in SP today.
Went there for a talk 1st. Then out for buffet.
After that went in n gather. And seperate us into courses.
So, sofie, mel, aaron, peter, kelvin n me went under Media n Info-Com Tech. And then we went to another room. Sit down there listen to them talk talk talk again!!
After that, they gave us 3 choice. Business Information Technology, Information Technology, Infocomm Security Management! What the!!!!!!!
NO Music n Audio Technology!!!!!!!! Chicken! Then i go for wad sia?!
Then blaa blaa blaa..
After the whole thingy. Mel, sofie, aaron, sufyan, adi, me went down to cine n watch Evan Almighty. Daniel joined.
Went to have our dinner at pastamania. but sofie, sufyan n adi went down LJS n da bao come up. Somemore the show start at 7.45pm n we are still eating!!! So after that faster chiong up. Hehes.
Well, that show hahas! Help me recap of my Genesis 6:14.
Is like so humorous lorx. LoL.
Went back home after the movie.
All took 700 and stop at bt.panjang cc there.
On the bus, we guys was down there keep talking abt horror story. Talk untill we drop off also havent finish. So we go for conference at 11.30pm. Talk talk talk untill 1plus going 2am.
Funny thing is sufyan n sofie can fall asleep! Sofie fall asleep nvm, we put down phone can le. But then lehx, sufyan is the one. He sleep, she sleep, then how? LOL. But luckily sofie end up got woke up. Hahas. Ya, so end our conversation. Hehes..
Hahas. Ok lahx. tats all.
Got to go sch n do my art again liaox~
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