In the first place i'm not intend to go for her event untill someone ask me to help her to get her autograph. =,= So i just anyhow send in a contest to win the priority pass and i really won. LOL!! Event start at 7pm, suppose to report at 6pm, but i reach at 5pm go Q for KOI~! I'm Koi delivery women of the day. Hahas.
Were looking at the dancer instead of her. Opps.. After we got her autograph, go search around for the dancer. LoL. Thanks to someone who told us her flight details. So we went down airport after they left bugis. Taewoo oppa really shuai ttm can!! I think he got more fans than G.NA. HAHA!!!
My SUPER clear/good view of unnie & oppa waved video is not saved down. Anyway, at the viewing mall everyone crowed at lvl2 but 4 of us went up to lvl3. KTW oppa walk out from dutyfree and he actually look up and waved to us. ONLY US!!! Shiock to the max can!! Once he waved, all fans chiong up to lvl3. Too bad hur, he left alr. Hahas!! still inside dutyfree but we just left the airport coz ktw alr walked to the back alr. LoLz. can see that we are really there for the dancer instead of the singer.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
A quick update of what am i doing recently. As most of you know, i working under Isetan randomly during weekend at voucher redemption counter. Happie moment with the colleagues..
Now i've got myself a new part time job. Recommended by Germain, my pri sch classmate. LoLx. (Our class 6Deligent suddently reunion on facebook. Hahas.) [Heroic Rendezvous] the place im working at now. A super cute store & its a HongKong brand. My 2nd day today. So far so good. XD
I'm working on 8-12 sept. But suddently recieved a sms from 1003 said i won the ticket to ZE:A showcase on 11th. OMFG! I'm damn high at my work place at that moment can! But have to take off n look for replacement. And i think im too pro in acting/lying already. Kekes. On the showcase day, meet yiping cab down to suntec convention hall. Saw crystal n friends alr there, so joined their queue. Went down to the food festival down stair. The 1st thing saw when stepped in was 水研社so BUY!!
Alright, should i say pple who won the tix is more than pple who bought the tix?! LOL!!!! Seriously man, the hall is like empty, so spacious at the back. Imagine without the pple who won the tix, the whole hall will be like damn EMPTY!! ZE:A is still a rookie grp who will go spend $151 to see them? Hahas. But i gave up my $65 pay nv work but go n see them. LoL~!!
The showcase is freaking high can!! Thanks to boys all so entertaining. Especially there is one part where no one choose taeheon n heechul then they squat down n *cry* Minwoo is freaking CUTE ttm can! And his dance power WOOT!! He's really the one who in charge of ze:a dance! Shuai/Cute ttm..
Going up stage for handshake. OMO~~!!! They totally look into your eyes. Deepy! *kanna electric shock* Omg luhx, seriously im melting at that moment. Yearsss of experience, went to so many event in the pass, this is the 1st time, the 1st grp of idol doing such thing. As u know, im melting at that moment alr, i didnt really who am i handshake with. LOL! Somemore 9 pple so manyyyy.. The most impression i remember is kevin dongjun n minwoo. Hyungshik taeheon too luhx.. Aiya, actually is all. But aiya i only remember i go Hi-5 with minwoo. Hahahaah!!! Minwoo kwanghee heechul dance OrangeCaramel "MagicGirl" SO CUTE!!!
Cant find anyone chasing them. So after the event i went off to meet my mum n jiejie at the food fest. Then walk over to marina for dinner. Take a look at where will TonyMoly alocated at. Hehes. And also went into the korean supermark to bought some foods.
ZE:A left on 11th night to malaysia. 12th morning, there is news that they coming for kpopnight. WTH! KNS! I still laugh at those pple who Q so hard for the tix last time. Then now is my turn to fight for the ticket. =,= Anway, with yiping help this morning, we manage to chop seats for the A1. *piew* I think those who went down to sistic at 10am dont need buy anything liaox. Lucikly online got piority. Kekeks..
Our dear cici is going cheena for studies. So we decided to give her a surprise. Kekes.
01.09.10 Meet feli at clementi to develop photos and buy some other stuffs 1st before meeting the rest to do the scrapbook.
Meet QC 3pm at dhoby ghaut and we were all late =,= She thought we r going to sabo her, but hahas not today. Hehes...
02.09.10 The day before she fly..... Meet at her hse area to continue finish up the scrapbook thingy.
9pm plus we finally done and walk over to her hse. Damn shitty, her mum not at home. =,= No one help us open door. Knocking door no one open, call her hse phone no one answer, untill finally she answered the phone call. Kns!
Well, its just 4months only. Very fast one. Hahas. We'll wait for u to come back to celebrate CNY. LoL. And bcoz of u, the 8 of us FINALLY gether together after sooo longggg.. ^.^
I always thought that my fate with the brother is 0%. Missed U-kiss twice, missed SS501 twice. Finally i got to see my HyungJun Baby, really FINALLY!! My wish was to see ss501 tgt, but the possibility is 0% now. Nvm, manage to see my bias will do. So till now, i alr saw ALL my bias alr! I'm a happie girl~ ^.^
28.08.10 (sat) Baby touch down this night. I purposely wear blue coz i want couple wear with baby. LoL! *i know im idiot* LoL.
29.08.10 (sun) Meet elijah 1pm at causeway. Saw catherine n friend then we go RP tgt. We chat n chat n chat when queue started we still dont know. LoL. Is like what for queueing when u got seat number. =,=
Our seats is like super damn near to the stage omoooo~! HJB started with the song "Girl" . Then start to play game The nxt song "Mars Men, Venus Women" he came from the back. Woot~ He turned and walk over at our row. Cool~
Then followed by games again. Out of so many games, the most interesting is the drawing part. Omg, our super famous artist, wonderful artist. Can u stop making me laugh?! I laughed untill cry u know. LOL!! Everyone is like laughing nonstop not bcoz if his drawing, but is his sound effect and facial expression. Omo, damn funny!!! Super entertainer. Perfect, sexy, gorgeous, $10, $20, $100, so expensive. And the description of hippo, mouth so big, so fat, ugly~ Omo, can baby dont be so cute and funny?!
Last song .. Walao eh got female dancer, then why not sing 1 more "HeyG"? And that stupid SGTS make what stupid video. It's happy moment dont make anyone cry ok. Kns.
After the showcase we slowly take our time down to IMM. Since we got piority queue, go so early for wad? Went up to get his autographed poster. Cool~ He got write our name down. Only we Pink Category can have his autographed poster n name writen on. ^.^ I forgot to handshake with him, he also almost forgot, then he suddently "OHOH YAH!" i thought what happened, then he put out his hand. LoL~ So nice of him. That person tearing the tix forgot to tear my tix. Bwahhaah! So i went up again the 2nd time. This time round he drew a heart heart for me. (Y) But i keep on forgot to tell him what i wanted to say. =,=
Sian ttm, we start chasing after fanmeet event, but he told me he alr ate his dinner. Kns! So means he will go back hotel straight after that. True, he really went back and & 1003 interview in his room. =,= But the moment when chasing, he damn cute luhx, with those action. Hahas!
30.08.10 (mon) HJB nv go out for shopping. This is damn weird can, his fav LV is waiting for him man..
5pm cars all this standby alr. The security suddently sit beside us at the lobby. LoL, then we chat chat lor. LoL.. Lcukily they sit there too, if not might kanna chase away by the hotel security. HJB came down at 6plus going 7pm. Friends manage to pass him things to sign inside the lobby. Hahas. Luckily we r inside, damn many fans standing outside the door.
We actually get to know where is he going, so alr booked the restaurant in advance. Kekes. Instead of chasing after the car, we go straight to the venue and wait for him to reach. Hahas. We were a few minute earlier than his car reached.
Such a good seat we have, we r just a glass panel away from them. LoL.. Peek inside by using our phones.. Everyone was damn behgopah! We finished the peanuts very soon after we settle down, and any food come it seems so delicious..
2 of the dancer came out to smoke. Omo! Got the shuai one!! To be honest, im looking at him dancing instead of baby during the showcase. Opps. So paiseh can, i went up to approach him to take a pic with him. Hahas! Trying to act cool folding up his arm. =,= Hack care, i still want to twist~
Friends just come out from washroom then HJB went to washroom. =,= Ok, then he left jambo & head towards airport. Alr know that he will go by CIP terminal, so the only chance left is the moment in car on our way to airport. His car is really dark! But bcoz his face is white enough, we can see him keep on waving nonstop. Hahas!! Friends wrote something to him, then i keep pointing infront, when he move his head forward to see, our car n their car suddently speed up. =,= *failed* dunno did he manage to see it or not.
Reached airport, after he went in by cip terminal, we go T2 wait for him to walk pass. But we totally not watching inside but chatting nonstop. Suddently heard pple scream and then followed by elephants footstep running dashing on top. Hahas! Pple at the viewing mall saw him alr & cath friend on top said he alr walk pass us. LOL!!!!! We r damn pro man, chat untill he walked pass also dont know. Hahas!!
Alright, thats the end of the dayss.. Bye Bye Baby Bye~ Get to know some friends during this few days. yea man more friend is always better than more enemies.. So nxt event we will go tgt is Kpop night? Hahahas. Yo my brother hyungjun, our dearest famous artist, hope to see u soon.. ^.^ I'll wait for you 10yrs later and lets go outerspace tgt. Kekekekes.. I'll buy u chilli/pepper crab everyday is u really come sg stay. Hahas!!