Happie Teachers' Day to all the teachers in the world!!!
Went to sch in the morning~ Today dun have those celebration concert all these. But got lots of sport games. Took many photos today lor. But will post up some only. 1st game. Trying to cross over without falling off. 2nd game. Badminton with pingpong balls. 3rd game. Passing the ball. 4th game. fill up the pail. 5th game. rubby soccor. 6th game. volly ball. 7th game. also the last game. tongue twister Then took our class photo.
Go for recess then assemble at the hall for price giving. Congrats 5A1 for winning the 3rd for the games today. And also 5A1,5A2,3T1. Winning the best classroom corridor. Nxt is me getting the cert for Photo Marathon. And also the BIG winner! Ms Cheryl!!!
After everythings ended. The 5a2 plus some a1 peeps went up to the classroom. Invited some teacher who teach us up too. Then we have our donuts party!!! From DonutsFactory de hor.
Some pictures time. Haopeng. Mr Koh n Eddy. Ms Cheryl n me Wanxin n me Daniel n me Fizal! Drinking the whole bottle of drink Mr Chew, Mr Koh n mel. Tom n Aaron??????????? Kawaii??? Adi n Mr Eddy. [extra tony] Oh so sweet~~~ Me n XianZhen [extra tom] Aaron n Tom Jerry, Darius, Aaron XianZhen, ZhiCheng, Haopeng, Peiqi.
After the party. Sofie, syikeen, darius, me went to play 'Jump' Hahas. Boring untill nth to do. Then went up to artroom continue do my art. After awhile, sinyu came! Hahas. Long time no see~~ But sian lorx. She came too late. All the teachers are gone. So went up to the artroom sit sit chat chat lorx.
Hehes. Thats all for my day. Never go back zhenghua pri. Coz Mrs J.Lim not teaching there liaox. So wad for go back? Somemore my pri sch mates also nv go back. And ya. Jiejie bought a portable hard disk liaox. Cool~ But sian. Already own her 80bucks. Now need to own more le lahx! Inodrer to share the hard disk.
LOL! Today photos remind me of someone! [macdonald] Oh? wad i'm doing behind?
Today took english prelim paper 2! Should say easy or difficult? Hahas I only know my hand very 'sour'
Mr Maran also passed us our check list of our CCA cert. Wee~ Finally a A2!!! Which means got 2 bonus points. Hahas~ But wanna aim for A1 lehx. Just need 2 more pts to get A1. Coz got a lot of mistake. But i lazy go find teacher. Got A2 happie enough liao lahx. Dun be so 'yao gui' Then vivien was there giving out packets of sweets. Coz tat day help her celebrate her bday. Hahas.
Alright. After our english paper, went down to the hall for the Career Exhibition thingy. Participaing organisations include: NTU, SMU, NP, NYP, RP, SP, TP, ITE College West, NAFA, RDI, Lasalle. As time not given enough, and also i dun have anything to ask, so just took some booklets from each school n read lorx.
At 11.45pm. 987fm DJs was here. Should be Shan n dunno who. But end up become the Muttons!!! Justin n Vernon. And blaa blaa blaa.. talk talk play games all this.
After the whole thing. 12.30pm. Went up to the artroom n start cutting again. Do all the way untill 6.30pm. total 6 hrs lorx. Hahas. In the middle, ms cheryl show some videos of 881 on youtube. Then got this song 代替sang by Jim Lim 林棋玉. Wee~ Such a nice song. Hahas. Sorry ar. if i'm abit late. Coz never watch 881 mahx.. Hehes.
Already 2 post never post my childhood photo le. Coz that 2 post already got damn lots of photos. Hahas!
Sometime yanling need to have new things. not always the old one. Please allow me to do something i like. Just like wad u all did. You did wad u like, i did wad i like. Its just only a bit of changes in lifestyle. It wont change the whole things. So, hahas~ Stay happie~ Cheer up okie? Everything is still the same.
Alright. Today. 29th Aug 2007. Social studies prelim exam. Aiyoyoy! Jialut. Dun wanna talk abt it. After exam, same thing, went up to the artroom n chiong our art work.From 10am chiong untill 4pm? Then Ms cheryl called us go down take photos. Coz our sch got the photo marathon thingy. Need to go around the sch and take pictures. Lame lahx. Waste our time. Hahas. But then just go around take take some photos lorx. Anyhow take. then see on friday they announce got anything not. Hahas~ Then 5plus continue do art untill 6plus then go home.
Wee~ Tml 98.7FM de DJs coming our sch worx. Hahas. Today then get to know that is that 2 talk cord pple coming. Hahas. Anyway, everyday afternoon listen to their programme. So tml can see them live lorx.. booo~ Hahas.
And ya, got news liaox! 3rd Sept (monday) for those who had sign up for the Singapore Poly thingy, must report to SP by 12.45pm at the convention centre hor.. Hahas!
Early in the morning~ 6.50am. Daddy knock my at my bedroom door. He scare i late again. Coz haven't wake up. Hahas! But today i'm suppose to wake up at 8.30am Coz got science prelim practical exam. Then i'm in shift 2.
Today paper quite difficult?? Or easy? Hahas. But i'm sure i cant do better then last time de mock exam. Stupid Bio come out PLANT!!! I got learn the cucumber, tomato and beans. Then come out so many plants and 1 question on tomato. Dunno is practical or theory sia! Need so much knowledge on theory!!! As for chemistry, still the same lor. Suck!
After our paper, i go put my Artwork inside the artroom 1st. Then went to plaza withedward, peng, jolee, darius, jessie, daniel. Go NTUC buy all those cup, plates, tissue... etc.. Then go down polo get the bday cake! Went back to sch~ But the rain is getting heavier!!! So need umbrella lorx. Hahas! Lucky i today got bring. So must help edwardprotect the cake. Hahas! Most important one.
Then reached sch.. Still got a lot of time lorx. They shift3 1.30pm onward then release. Then we down there take pictures.. See! Chio bu de bday cake. The peeps who share the cake. Hahas! Jessie n me go paste this at the road down to the canteen. Many pple walk pass n keep looking at it lor. LOL! But untill vivien come down, she never see a single one!!! ChioBu de bear bear. Named ah sok! Hahas. Ah sok de ah sok. Wahaahs~ Big big photoframe Final final n finally~ They released. Followed ah sok down to the canteen. And her reaction is OMG!OMG! Hahas.. 感动eh~ Here come our group pic! The peeps started to get crazy after that. Cream on face and water splashing over. see how wet is she the 2 落汤鸡 oh? 3~ See our canteen floor lahx! Flooded! Not flood by rain water. Is flood by the water they splashed.
Hahas. K lahx. thats all for Vivien bday le lorx. After that. its already 3.30pm. Wanna go back to the Artroom. But i saw the door close. So called ms cheryl. Then she say she not in sch le. So thats it lorx. today dun need do art liaox. LOL.